You have 5 Challenges that will guide you through the details of the two men story in order to find the final moral and escape the room
1. Negotiation Characters
2. Question Settings and actions
3. Song What happened
4. Drawing Reactions
5. Key Moral

First Challenge
Make two teams of five/six people each, choose a team leader and decide leading people in charge of each challenge
In… 60 seconds
The first team that succeeds the challenge will find the name of the two men in this story
"We're so trendy we can't even escape ourselves."
Kurt Cobain

Second Challenge
Answer a question
How many intelligences are there according to Gardner´s theory of Multiple intelligences? Name and write down all of them in 60 seconds.
The first team to succeed the challenge will find the settings and actions happening in "The two men story"

"You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today"
Abraham Lincoln

Third Challenge
Sing a song
Write down eight new verses for the rap “Let´s make a click”, including some names of the people in this course and in your group.
Sing the new verses when you finish them.
You have 3 minutes
The first group to succeed this challenge will find out the main plot of the two men story

"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night"
Edgar Allan Poe

Fourth Challenge
Draw a picture
Make a drawing that illustrates any of the myths on multiple intelligences, that is, a drawing to demystify one of the Multiple intelligence Myths.
You have 3 minutes
Reading on this subject: Reflections on multiple intelligences: Myths and Messages
The first team to succeed the challenge will find out what the final reactions of the two men in the story were

“How did I escape? With difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure.”
Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Fifth and last Challenge
Find a key to open the door and... Escape!!
Find the moral of this story and the key to open the classroom door and escape!!
There is a key ring that is hidden in the "representation" of the linguistic intelligence inside the classroom.
Firs at all, you have to find the key ring and afterwards you have to choose the key number that corresponds to the number of frames of mind there are.
You have 3 minutes
The first team to succeed the challenge will find out the moral of this story and will be able to ESCAPE the room.